Many of you would like to know my “journey” into the travel field.

It was not intentional neither deliberated upon, it just happened. One day after my dad passed away and I choose to remain in Mysore to look after my mom, wondering where life was taking me, I get this call from a leading travel agent in Mysore, asking to speak to my dad, who had passed away. When informed that he passed away, there was a pause and then they told me to come and collect his and my mom passport. Later from my mom, I came to know that they were planning to go to USA and were in the process of USA Visa renewal. So, then I go to the agency and show proof to the main owner and she hears my story and offers me a job in the tours division. Being a commerce graduate and having work experience in accounts, I was not ready for the job offered, then the lady owner convinced me and guided me through the process. That’s how I started my journey as a tour curator and organizer.

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